Monday, January 7, 2019

Technology In Classrooms

Using technology in class can be considered as a double-edged sword, where it help students in many cases but also it hurts them in other ways. Padlets in classroom facilitate the teachers' job and the
students' work, it saves time and make students interest in what they learn. We are supposing to accelerated development so we should make students following the trend, in order to be able to develop their performance. On the other hand, its dangerous to stop using book and let students forget about it where the book is the main source for knowledge. Here teacher should play his/her role in engaging the technology in classroom avoiding the negative effects. Technology also help the school a lot, beyond the fact that students love tablets and they keep the students engaged, these items save schools money by combining books, calculators...etc.
Its important to train teachers in using these technologies and how to utilize it. Technology is so prevalent that schools should begin to implement it.

1 comment:

  1. Hundreds of textbooks can be hold by one tablet but we cannot forget the importance of printed books as a main source of knowledge.


New Website for EDUC560

According  to the problem our instructor faced with the course website, she designed a new one.     The link to the new website is: ...