Tuesday, January 15, 2019

New Website for EDUC560

According  to the problem our instructor faced with the course website, she designed a new one.
The link to the new website is: https://sites.google.com/view/educ560/home


A Cycle from Birth to Death

All people go through four stages during their lives from birth till death. This development process is limited in infant adolescent and adult stage.

Stage 1:

Infancy: a beginning or early period of existence, the affirmative defense of lacking legal capacity because of being too young, this stage maybe nice or frustrated.

Stage 2:

Adolescence: The individual starts to challenge the surrounding, trying to express himself, gain power and independence.

Stage 3:

Adult hood: The individual starts to be more mature and accurate, he starts to focus on his achievement and his feeling towards being in a group become more affective.

Stage 4:

Transforming:  It's divided into 2 ways "redefinition or death, which means either the success or the fail. 

Health Care System

 Health Care System

Hospitals, clinic and community health agencies can be very different from other work environments. Healthcare systems are complex and there are many things you need to know about types of hospital systems, patient care, insurance, healthcare providers and legal issues.

To be effective in your job you need to know a lot about health care system. There are different groups in the health care system. If you want to work in health care system you need to know about hospital system, types of care, and the role of each member working in this system. When you deal with patients, you need to understand them and their different types of insurance, how to help patient that they don’t have insurance and how to protect their privacy and rights. Also you need to know what community resources are available and how patients access the services.

Classroom Climate

Classroom Climate

Classroom climate is about the feeling and the beliefs that the students have, which result in making students feel sense of belonging, safe to take any risk, to participate. Those beliefs regard the community and mutual support, confidence, influence, and control. The classroom climates that evaluate the effort help students to learn that failure is a new path for success, and it’s opportunities to more learning, not sign for weakness. Climate of the classroom affect how students will do well in the school, when they feel that they are safe, self- control, free, and fun they will challenge themselves to succeed. The positive classroom climate identifies the good relationship between students with each other and between the teachers; also it’s the climate that students can freely participate, because the healthy classroom climate is essential for learning. Whenever students feel empowerment, acceptance, and safety to take risks and try things that are hard for them, they like school better and learn more.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Is PUBG Addictive Game ?

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds or what known as PUBG , it's the most  popular game that became the most famous game and some people became addicted to it, it has sold millions of copies so soon, PUBG has millions of users and the number still increasing. A big question should be asked, why this game ? where many other games are the same but not famous as pubg is.


It is based on rule of "the last survivor wins".

There are many reasons that makes pubg addictive :

  1. it has a very realistic approach
  2. straightforward to be told, onerous to master
  3. player population, where this game contains users from all the world
  4. Motivation
  5. Challenges
  6. Rewards

Also there are some negative effects:

  • Extreme violence

  • video game addiction         
  • Less social interaction  

  • Bad physical health   

  • Bad mental health 

  • Less sleep       

  • Less time to do anything else 

  • Bad academic score    

Finally, remember that this is just a game to interest and not to addict, play pubg if you want but avoid the bad effects.



Dropping out from schools

Should Students Be Able to Drop out Before 18 ?


In our society many children that are 18 or under 18 think to drop out from their schools, where they feel that they are unable to succeed, but the question is " should students that are 18 or under 18 drop out from the school?" Surely we should respect everyone's opinion, but in this issue we should think deeply because this will affect the whole life of the student especially if he/she dropping out without a plan. In addition to that we can't ignore that many teenagers do not have the maturity to make plans that will affect their lives. Education is the essential road for engaging in life, for facing troubles, for searching for solutions, for building characters, and especially to build your career so it's not easy to take a decision to drop out from the school.
In many countries it's illegal to drop out from the school at 18 years old., but always their are some cases that prevent student from continuing the school, according to financial problems, so for sure there is a solution which is the "Homeschooling" or the online schools, also it's a solution for those who has problem with bullying or just feel that they do not fit in. Regarding the financial problems the government should provide financial aids for the students who need, since the only thing that will develop our country is the educated generation.


School Uniforms Should Be Mandatory ?

Some people believe that uniforms are mandatory in schools, while others think it's not important.

The importance of school uniforms:

  • it encourage discipline, making all students wear the same uniform make them always remember where they are, and how they should behave.
  • it also take the competition out of dress
  • it keep focus on learning not clothing 
  • it bring safety back to the school halls
  • it brings an image of success students and teachers
  • Uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying.
  • Uniforms enhance school pride, unity, and community spirit
  • it prevent the display of gang colors.   

The disadvantages of uniforms:          

  • uniforms restrict students' freedom of expression
  • it promote conformity over individuality.
  • it does not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or exam results
  • it emphasize the socioeconomic divisions they are supposed to eliminate.
  • it may have detrimental effect on students' self-image.
  • the push for school uniforms is driven by commercial interests rather than educational ones.


What is Multicultural Education?

After the Syrian war, many cultures you can find in a class, so the multicultural education is an  approach to make all these students engage and participate in the class, this can be done by promoting to learn other cultures and teaching social skills in a multicultural class. The multicultural education provide opportunities such as brainstorming of ideas, stories, and experiences that enrich the educational background for all students, the thing that you can't find in the monoculture classes.

Classroom Resources for Multicultural Education

Many activities can be done serving the multicultural classes, where using these games and activities is a perfect way to motivate inclusivity and students to share their experiences, ideas, stories and their heritage. Also teachers can benefit from this by involving students in different styles of study to immerse them in their learning.

Some activities for such classes :
  • immigration stories
  • Games around the world
  • writing poetry
  • share a meal 


Is Homework Good for Students?
  Many students or we can say that all students hate assignments or homework and they considerate as a punishment for them. Their are many activities nowadays that make them feel more interesting than doing homework such as video games, Tv, cell phone, and social media. Opinions are split over whether homework is good or bad for students, where many countries eliminate the homework in the schools, but in my opinion this is wrong! where the assignments are the evaluation of students' understanding to know if they are able to apply what they learn and also helps teacher to know who need help.

There are many benefits for the homework:
  1. Homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons and material are being understood by their students.
  2. Homework teaches students about time management
  3.  Homework gives students another opportunity to review the class material.
  4. Homework gives parents a chance to see what their child is learning in school.
  5. Homework teaches students how to set priorities.
  6. Homework teaches students how to work independently.
  7. Homework teaches students how to solve problems


Monday, January 7, 2019

Corporal Punishment

Many states still consider corporal punishment as a legal form in schools, but in some cases these corporal punishment affect students negatively in their success, but if we look on the other side and based on our society its from the normal thing that students suppose to a small hitting and again I remark that this punishment is small and soft that in real life and real examples it helps a lot students in increasing their performance, but this punishment should has some basic rules and should be applied in special cases and situations. From this conditions, is to apply this punishment away from the class not in front of all students. I am talking this based on situations a lot of teachers lived it in real life where they faced very bad cases. But this is not allow the violence that happened in many schools, where students are abused from the teacher and the principles, this is not neither legal nor acceptable in humanity side. Education is a message to help students engage in life and society not damage the students personalities.

Technology In Classrooms

Using technology in class can be considered as a double-edged sword, where it help students in many cases but also it hurts them in other ways. Padlets in classroom facilitate the teachers' job and the
students' work, it saves time and make students interest in what they learn. We are supposing to accelerated development so we should make students following the trend, in order to be able to develop their performance. On the other hand, its dangerous to stop using book and let students forget about it where the book is the main source for knowledge. Here teacher should play his/her role in engaging the technology in classroom avoiding the negative effects. Technology also help the school a lot, beyond the fact that students love tablets and they keep the students engaged, these items save schools money by combining books, calculators...etc.
Its important to train teachers in using these technologies and how to utilize it. Technology is so prevalent that schools should begin to implement it.

New Website for EDUC560

According  to the problem our instructor faced with the course website, she designed a new one.     The link to the new website is: ...